Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 8/15/22

Year: 2022


Araştırma Makalesi

"Inonu University Journal of Culture and Art" (IJCA), published by Inönü University State Conservatory, is an international peer-reviewed, scientific, Electronic Journal in which theoretical and applied original research, reviews and compilations in the fields of Culture and art are published. Turkish and English language publications in accordance with its publishing policy, the journal aims to make publications written in English and Turkish languages. IJCA (Inonu University Journal of Culture and Art / Inönü University Journal of Culture and art) uses a double-sided blind refereeing system in which at least two referees are employed for each article.

"Inönü University Journal of Culture and art" (IJCA) is an international peer-reviewed, scientific, Electronic Journal in which theoretical and applied original research, reviews and compilations in the fields of Culture and art are published.


* In order to load the article file, the copyright agreement must be completed and signed and uploaded to the system with the article file in PDF format. The copyright agreement (blank draft) can be downloaded during the files phase (in word format) during the loading of the article file into the system.

* Articles loaded without paying attention to the journal writing rules will not be evaluated. (The references in the bibliography and text are created in APA style is very important in the process of Article acceptance)

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Journal Writing Rules

1st.Overview: works submitted for publication must not exceed 30 pages including attachments and bibliography. Text must be written in Word format using the character "Arial". The margins should be left 2 cm, Right 2 cm, top 3 cm, bottom 3 cm.

2nd ed. Turkish English Turkish English titles should be written in Arial 12 point and bold with capital letters on top of the Turkish and English abstract sections.

3. Author Name(s)and address (s): the author/authors of the article should be written dark and centered under the main title, with the last name capitalized. If any, the academic title, the institution and e-mail address should be indicated in full and clear footnote at the bottom of the first page with a size of 9 points. In the footnote, the responsible author and e-mail address should be indicated.

4. Summary:on the first page of the article, English and Turkish language title, not to exceed 150 words, English and Turkish abstract should include a summary with at least 3 to 5 keywords. Abstracts should be written in a single line Range, 10 points, bereaved. Abstract / Abstract title should be written with capital letters, bold left leaning, before and after 0nk. ” Keywords/Keywords " keywords should be written in bold and with commas between them.

5. Section headings: section and subheadings should be written in 10-point, Dark, bereaved form. Only the first letter of each word of the section and subheadings should be written in uppercase and the other letters should be written in lowercase. In title numbers, numbers must be given from the input section, in the decimal system (1., 1.1., 1.1.1. such as) should be numbered.

6. Main text: paragraphs should be 10-point size, alignment; bereaved. 6 nk spaces should be left before and after paragraphs and the line spacing should be single. Page numbers should be at the bottom and center.

7.Tables and figures:figure and table headings should be overwritten with tables and figures, 9 points, capital letters of the words and 1 line spaced between the top line of the table and the name of the table, so that the table and shape boundaries do not open. Sequence number to each (Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.) should be given and references should be given below tables and figures 9 point and bibliographic information should be given in full. Tables, figures, etc. the text in it should be in the 9 point range. Table headings should be spaced from 0nk to 6nk table with the top and previous paragraph. If the source shown below is table with 0nk, the next paragraph should be spaced with 6nk. The mathematical equations to be included in the text should be given an ordinal number, the ordinal numbers should be written in parentheses to the right of the page.

8. Citations: citations must be made in the text using the APA (recently used current) method. Notes should be expressed as footnotes (9 points) under the page. References in the text should be made in the form of the last name of the author(s), the year of the source and the page number. If there is no author name, the institution name should be used instead of the author. Example; (Imik, 2013: 5), (Imik and Poppy, 2011: 15), (Poppy et al., 2000: 10-12), (DPT, 2004: 32).

İnönü Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı tarafından yayımlanan "İnönü Üniversitesi Kültür ve Sanat Dergisi" uluslararası etik ilkeleri doğrultusunda hazırlanmış yayınları kabul etmektedir.

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